Nootropics Info
  • Romanian psychologist Corneliu E. Giurgea coined the term nootropic in 1972. The term comes from the Greek words noos, or “mind”, and tropein, “forward.” Nootropics are used for cognitive enhancement, meaning they have the ability to improve cognitive functions including memory, attention, creativity and intelligence in healthy individuals. To qualify as a nootropic, a substance should:

    1. Enhance learning and memory.

    2. Assist in preventing disruptions in learned behaviors or memory.

    3. Protect the brain against physical or chemical injuries.

    4. Increase the effectiveness of the cerebral cortex control activity. The cerebral cortex plays a large roll in consciousness, including memory, perception, awareness, and language.

    5. Have less side effects than other psychotropic substances (or none) and very low toxicity.

  • Absolutely! Email our team at or call us at 971-266-0949 for pricing on bulk orders. We are available over the phone from 12pm-7pm Monday through Friday or 12pm to 5pm Saturdays and we usually reply to emails within 48 hours.

  • At Staterra we see customization as an opportunity to get our customers exactly what they want. Contact us at or by phone at 971-266-0949 to talk to our team about a custom formula to suit your needs.

  • Contact us! Sometimes we have new products that aren’t on the shelves yet or are not listed online. We are also happy to order and stock almost any product requested. Fill out our contact form or call us at 971-266-0949.

  • Our products and published information have not been approved by the FDA and our products are intended for research purposes only. Any claims or products are not intended to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Consult your doctor if you take other medications and want to know about any possible interactions.